So here it is – my new pal!
So far I have been using a Filofax for all my daily planning, addresses, numbers and notes. I have 2 Filo's, one personal and one pocket. The pocket is usually the one that I will take with me on the go.
A notebook is needed for my drawings general journal stuff. For that purpose I lugged an a5 x-17 around with me. Now seeing that those two items are not everything I carry around with me, it's easy to guess at the state of my poor shoulders – right, they are sore from carrying all that stuff with me.
Another solution was needed and then it happened. I fell in love with the traveler's notebook and I think I might have found the answer to my prayers. The Traveler's Notebook works similar to the x17, both use elastic bands to hold notebooks inside the cover. This system is extremely flexible as you can put in whatever refills you need.
The traveler's Notebook will replace my Filofax AND my notebook because I will now have both
put together in one.
Traveler's Notebook, Stipula Passaporto and some old stuff |
Some modifications
1. Calendar
The first addition was a good calendar. I found to be the Midori calendars to be a bit expensive and not quite perfect. So I ended up creating my own refill. On the left I have one week, on the right there are checkboxes for "to-do's" and some blank space for doodles or additional notes. To save precious space I decided to have a 6 monthly calendar.
I added a few pages of important informations to the calendar. There is a personal information page, finances, a yearly calendar, a birthday calendar, important numbers, worldmap with times and a page for dates that I need to save in the next calendar.
Traveler's Notebook with DIY calendar |
2. Art and journaling
This is my journal refill. For now I am using the insert that came with the Traveler's Notebook. I have ordered some other blank refill that I will try out. But I might end up having my own paper stapled together and made into a refill. This is the inside cover that I doodled on.
Traveler's Notebook blank refill and Stipula Passaporto.
The drawing was done with Diamine ink in Raw Sienna and
Diamine ink in Hope Pink |
2. Storage capacity
Although I have the plastic envelope and little pocket stickers for storage it doesn't seem to be enough for me. So I folded an envelope from an old paper bag (this is an ultra old Diesel bag). It's really easy do do and looks brilliant – even if I say so. This little bag is big enough to even hold a folded a4 letter. I glued it to the back of my journal/art refill. Good thing nothing can get lost anymore.
This envelope was made from an old paper bag. One piece
is folded a few times and out comes an envelope/bag that
stores a lot of things. |
2. Tabs to keep things nice and tidy
This idea I saw over at Patrick NG from I fell in love with his leather tabs and just had to have them. So I cut up an old leather bag that I'd never use again and cut there tabs. Believe me, it's NOT easy to get those little buggers straight and good looking. Mine are not quite ready yet. They will get their edges oiled and be stamped with a function. As far as I am concerned those little tabs do enhance the look of the Traveler's Notebook and keep my lose leaf do-do lists all orderly.
Tabs made of leather. They hold all sorts of to-do lists |
2. All finished
This is what my Traveler's Notebook looks like now. I am done for now and the notebook is ready to keep track of my life. Now the fun part starts – filling it all up. One thing is for sure, we will have a lot of fun together. This notebook is amazing and I am sure I won't miss my Filofax and the x17 notebook for one second.
My new mate |