

Soft light falls upon my pale skin and brings some pastel hues. Will this turn darkness into light?
Will the powdery softness and those gentle tones turn the inner turmoil into something
less painful and disturbing? Will light, that traveled so far to kiss my skin bring the much
sought after peace and calm? 

camera: nikon fm2
film: kodak portra 400
© nicole sprekelmann



Breathing in bright rays of light that come visiting this morning. I let them tickle my winter skin
and brighten up the quiet sadness of the endless darkness. Drinking in the golden glow in
urgent gulps, embracing every spec of glittering dust dancing in the newfound brightness.
Pushing away every thought, just be, feeling lost in the bright glow.

camera: nikon fm2n
film: kodak portra 200
© nicole sprekelmann



Leaden clouds are pushing each other across the horizont, 
as if competing in some silent race. 
I immerse myself into winter darkness, 
trying to block out January's bleakness. 
Eyes glazing over ever so slightly, fluttering in the last effort to stay open. 
Then closing to the sound of pelting rain, letting daydreams come flying in. 
The warmth if fluttering thoughts and dreams carry me away to another place. 
Somewhere beyond the grey of clouds rain and winter winds. 

camera: nikon fm2n
film: kodak portra 400
© nicole sprekelmann