

Another day, another ray of light, another melody in her head. There is this large empty room that
is filled with the clearest tunes softly reverberating inside the walls, inside her head,
inside her every cell. It stirs some tiny feeling inside, something that has long been forgotten.
For too long she hasn't allowed those feelings to raise to the surface. For too long she
has been trying to hide her emotions from the world, even from herself.

She decided that she would give her soul to the music and surrender. Beyond those walls there
would be a life waiting for her, a life that she would not be too intimidated to lead. If she could
only leave those doubts in this room. If she could find a note for every single of her
crazy thoughts she might have a chance ...

A chance to break free from all those boundaries in her heart, 
soaring and breaking free.  She realized she had to create space between them, 
to allow theirhearts to beat separately again, to break free. 
She prayed for faith, hopeful that one day she would be 
strong enough to just let go without doubt and regret. 

camera: nikon fm2n
film: kodak tri-x
© nicole sprekelmann

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